Restaurant with very hard surface and wrong proportion. High ceiling, with high reverberation and resonance. The painting creates a resonator and absorption sound wave to reduce the time delay and increase the quality of the sound and clarity speech. Milan, Italy

Omnidirectional terracotta speaker with "graphite" glasses. The wooden ceiling makes the sound quality. Sandnes, Norway

Restaurant with perfect shape and proportion. with nice harmonic and sound diffraction. The brick wall increases diffusion and absorption. Platinum sound sculpture make the omnidirectional sound. The wooden ceiling makes the sound quality. Milan, Italy

Light and speaker with vibrational sound absorber giving high diffusion. Bamboo offcuts forming the wall surface act as sound absorbers. Milan, Italy

This rooftop restaurant has predominantly glass and concrete surfaces. Conventional speakers struggled to ll the void. The solution was to ll the space with a multitude of omnidirectional speakers, carefully arranged and matching the décor. Interacting with the warm Italian sunlight they provide a glittering spectacle, impossible not to notice but never intruding. Each speaker is like an orchestral instrument – the sound descends like a mist to bathe the audience. Rome, Italy

Light and sound in an oxidized iron cylinder. The cylinder absorbs the sound waves, and the difraction waves for the increase in sound. The ceiling is made of wood minerals to absorb the sound. Milan, Italy

In an ancient Etruscan cellar, this fantastic restaurant had a very unusual acoustic phenomenon: the sound practically disappeared inside the niche but resonated everywhere else. The solution was the installation of two chandeliers out of small pieces of Murano glass. The sound source was one omnidirectional sound sculpture FP placed in centre of the dome. Assisi, Italy

Ceiling with mineral wool absorption and wood re ectors to increase harmonic sound control. The ceramic sphere are helmholtz resonators and speakers.

Example of restaurant where no waste material is needed. The wooden ceiling makes a perfect diffusion and the proportion of the volume it doesn't need any imprisonment.